Sunday, May 24, 2015

"Over 300 Delicious Ways to Use Your Bundt Pans" (by Nordic Ware Kitchens) - Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Poppy Seeds

Dater I made this recipe:  May 18, 2015 – our wedding anniversary

Over 300 Delicious Ways to Use Your Bundt Pans by Nordic Ware Kitchen/Northland Aluminum Products, Inc.
Published by Northland Aluminum Products, Inc.
© 1973
Recipe:  Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Poppy Seeds – p. 45

Well, they don't plan weddings like they used to.

In 1991, when we got married, you would have thought dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Weddings were simple all the way around and when it came to cake, there were only a few choices.  And yes, we had a few cake sampling appointments, but for flavor, we were pretty limited to chocolate, vanilla, maybe a layer with a swirl of each, and that was that.  And your frosting choices were just as limited; if memory serves, we had to work hard to find a buttercream topping.

Naturally, I wanted something else, something different but something that also didn't cost a fortune (and my lord, do they ever cost a fortune).  I pulled several very prettily designed, very ahead-of-its-time cake photos from various wedding magazines and took them to every bakery we visited, only to have every single designer shake her/his head and say "It's gorgeous but we can't do that."  Fast forward to today where everybody is recreating those designs and more. 

So after searching high and low for a cake designer, we stumbled upon a guy who made us what we wanted and that is how we ended up with a lemon poppy seed wedding cake with buttercream frosting.  I so wanted to put little toothpick holders on the tables so people wouldn't be caught on camera with poppy seed stuck to their teeth but nixed that after realizing my mother would likely frown – and then some – on that idea.  This is a woman who coordinated her wedding outfit down to her fingernail polish.  Putting toothpicks on a table, even in jest, would have rendered her speechless although when she recovered, she probably would have said "That's tacky, Ann."

For the record, my mother did not "do" tacky. 

Despite those pesky poppy seeds, mom was quite happy with our wedding cake.  It was simple, it was really tasty and it was different.  But, and I may have mentioned this in a prior post, it wasn't decorated like I thought it would be and that bugged me for quite some time until a sister-in-law showed me a photo and then it dawned on me:  the cake should have been decorated on all layers with fresh flowers.  But something got lost in translation and the flowers ringed the bottom layer only.  Oh well.

I might have also mentioned that our venue was insistent Andy and I cut the cake immediately after the ceremony and before anyone sat down for dinner as they needed time to cut the rest of the cake to serve it for dessert.  I tried to argue otherwise but lost that battle because that meant that nobody but the photographer and the immediate wedding party got to see us cut the cake.  As these things go though, this was not the end of the world unless you were my cousin's two year old son who was very upset to see the cake he'd been eyeballing during the ceremony being whisked away.  We were such a mean bride and groom, were we not?  PS—he eventually got to have his cake and eat it, too.   

When I made this version of our wedding cake the other night, I intended to frost it with a buttercream frosting and then changed my mind and my husband got the same look on his face as my cousin's son:  major displeasure, near tears.  It's just that this cake is pretty delicate and I just didn't see the point of frosting it with a heavier frosting.  Of course, I could have just made the frosting anyway seeing as how I'm a frosting person rather than a cake person, but just decided to leave well enough alone.  We are enjoying (still) every morsel of our walk-down-memory-lane-wedding cake.

Happy Anniversary, Andy!  I saw the date coming so I baked you a cake.  Enjoy!

Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Poppy Seeds – makes 1 12-cup Bundt cake
1 cup butter or margarine, room temperature
1 (8 oz) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 ½ cups sugar
1 ½ teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs
1 ¼ cups sifted flour
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
½ cup golden raisins
1 cup finely chopped walnuts
¼ cup poppyseed
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
¼ teaspoon vanilla

In small bowl, combine filling ingredients and set aside.  In large bowl, cream butter or margarine and cream cheese until light and fluffy; add sugar and vanilla; beat well approximately 5 minutes. (Very important to cream well!)  Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.  Sift together flour and baking powder; add to creamed mixture.  Stir in ½ cup walnuts and raisins.  (Ann's Note:  I didn't use walnuts but I did use raisins, although I could have left them out and it would have been fine.)

Grease Mini-Bundt Pan or Fiesta Party Pan (Ann's Note:  or use a 12-cup Bundt pan i.e. the "original") and coat inside of pan with remaining finely chopped nuts.  Spoon ½ of batter into prepared pan, sprinkle filling mixture over batter; top with remaining batter.  Use knife and swirl through batter.  Bake at 325F for 65-70 minutes or until cake tests done.  (Ann's Note:  I baked mine for about 75-80 minutes to ensure all the dough was cooked.)  Cool in pan 10-15 minutes; turn out on wire rack to complete cooling.  Wrap cake tightly in plastic wrap and foil and store in the refrigerator for 2 days to improve flavor.

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