Friday, September 22, 2017

"Hamburgers Plain and Fancy" - Hamburgers stuffed with Onion and Cheese Filling - National Cheeseburger Day!

Date I made this recipe:  September 18, 2017 – National Cheeseburger Day

Hamburgers Plain and Fancy by Ceil Dyer
Published by Grosset & Dunlap
© 1968
Purchased at Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks, NYC
Recipe:  Hamburger (p. 56) stuffed with Onion Cheese Filling (p. 58)

People, I was all giddy with excitement for National Cheeseburger Day, not only because I love cheeseburgers, but I had just purchased this cookbook – Hamburgers Plain and Fancy – from Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks in NY and thought myself all set and ready to go for The.Big.Day.

Turns out I was not all set and ready to go for the Big Day.  Why?

Apparently, cheeseburgers are the red-haired stepchild of the burger world and therefore were not included in this 86-page book.  Not one single recipe.  I checked several times under "cheese" and under "cheeseburger" and nothing.  I was gobsmacked.

There were though, a few recipes for cheese-filled burgers and some for burgers topped with several ingredients including cheese slices. Would these do?  I needed to do some research and so to the internet I went.

It took me two seconds to find a "cheeseburger" definition.  Per Wiki, "A cheeseburger is a hamburger topped with cheese.  Traditionally, the slice of cheese is placed on top of the meat patty, but the burger can include many variations in structure, ingredients, and composition."

In the world of cooking, this explanation was sufficient for me to go ahead and explore other cheeseburger options. That said, my choices were still limited.  Let's chat about that by looking first at the Table of Contents where our choices were:
  • Finger Burgers
  • Fork Burgers
  • Filled Burgers
Those were the burger options.  There's a section called Go Withs i.e. side dishes, and then a final chapter of Menus and Meals.

That concludes our look at the table of contents.

The author offers no explanation for "Finger Burgers," but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest to you that he meant hamburgers you can pick up and eat although technically and physically, that would make it a handburger hamburger instead of a "Finger Burger."  Sorry, I could not resist saying that.

Options in the "Fork Burger" category ranged from a "Borscht Burger" – p. 15, to a "Suzy Wong Burger" – p. 19 (There is just something "wrong" about the "Wong" burger!), to a "Gandhi Burger" (cabbage and chutney) – p. 36 to a "Healthy Ham-Burgers" – p. 25

This last one amuses.  Ingredients are mushrooms and spinach leaves which are good and healthy, mixed pickles which are interesting and then ground beef plus a small jar of Smithfield ham spread which are not necessarily healthy.  This recipe's a head-scratcher for sure.

In the "Fork Burgers" category, we have [Hamburger] "Au Poivre" (peppercorns, wine, cognac) – p. 46, a "Sicilian Joe," – p. 52, which is basically a Sloppy Joe recipe with anchovies, and "Cook at the Table Party Skillet Burgers" – p. 54-55

Jumping ahead, the "Go Withs" are all side dishes, many of which sounded great (potatoes, beans, etc.) but we are celebrating National Cheeseburger Day, not National "Go With" Day so there it is.

This brings us back to the "Filled Burger" category from which I selected my recipe. 
There were a grand total of 15 recipes for filled burgers and what the author called "look under" burgers which are burgers with various toppings instead of filling. Let's examine them:
  • Mushroom Filling – mushrooms, butter and cream but no cheese
  • Creole Filling – onion, celery, green pepper but no cheese
  • Roquefort Filling – Roquefort cheese and heavy cream
  • Tomato Olive Filling – green olives and tomatoes but no cheese
  • Bacon Filling  - bacon, sweet pickles, mustard and mayo but no cheese
  • Almond Filling – almonds, cream cheese and cream.  Almonds? I can't even imagine that. Also, cream cheese is not "cheese" cheese as contemplated by the National Cheeseburger people.
  • Onion Cheese Filling – sharp cheese, chopped onion, mayo and Tabasco.  This is the one I made.
  • Walnut Filling – walnuts, horseradish, mayo but no cheese.  Again – walnuts?
  • Feta Cheese Filling – feta cheese, black olives, chives, cream.  This one was tempting but we passed on it.
  • Burgers "Look Under" – 1 – cream, avocado, pimento, topped with Cheddar cheese
  • Burgers "Look Under" – 2 – liverwurst, corn relish, chili sauce and mild American cheese
  • Burgers "Look Under" – 3 – tomatoes, garlic, thyme, other seasonings, Mozzarella cheese
  • Burgers "Look Under" – 4 – raisins, whiskey, other stuff, Gruyere cheese.  Raisins? In a burger? Hahahahaha. (By the way, this is more like a patty melt than a burger.)
  • Burgers "Look Under" – 5 – chopped peanuts, Monterey Jack cheese

Hmm, those are some kind of burger ingredients, am I right?  Shudder.

Now given our theme – cheeseburgers –you would think that I would go with either "Look Under Burgers 1 or 3, as both called for cheese on top, but I just wasn't feeling them so I went with a cheese-stuffed burger instead.  Well, what can I say except it's fun to go rogue!

Although this was one of the easiest recipes I've ever assembled, I had to deduct points from my own efforts for appearance as I did not properly seal the burgers and some of the filling oozed out.  In fact, I commented to Andy that this would likely have gotten me chopped on Chopped!  The taste was great though, and that's what counts.

A slight change I made to the recipe was to comply with Andy's request to sauté the onions first.  He didn't want to taste a bunch of raw onion and neither did I.

This then, concludes my report "What I made on National Cheeseburger Day."  Technically, it wasn't a cheeseburger as we know it, but it was a burger and cheese was involved so there you go.  Enjoy!

Hamburger stuffed with Onion Cheese Filling – serves 8
For the hamburger
2 pounds ground beef
1 ½ teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons heavy cream
For the filling
2 tablespoons crumbled sharp cheese
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
2-3 drops Tabasco sauce

To make the hamburger patties, mix meat with salt and cream.  Shape into sixteen patties half as thick as usual.  Combine the filling ingredients until well-blended. Put two patties together with filling between, making eight burgers.  Press edges together.  (Ann's Note:  I guess I did not press mine hard enough before the cheese oozed out.  Not that I'm complaining, but I wish I would have nailed it.  Also, make sure your cheese crumbles are pretty tiny as this will help keep the cheese inside the burger.)  Broil or pan fry as usual.

Split rolls and heat in the oven.  Place a patty on roll bottom and cover with top half of the roll.

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